
"I Don't Love Money...Right?" Part III

The Orthodox Heretic breaks his silence after a few weeks. No good reason, I am just busy dissertating and traveling. Hence the following very brief post…

I have been trying to articulate some of the difficulties we may encounter when we try to convince ourselves that we are not lovers of money. I’ve tried to state that while there will always be ways to assure ourselves that we are not guilty of money-loving, there are also always reasons to think that we are. How then, can we guarantee that we are innocent?

It strikes me as impossible to love money if you are excited about giving it away. I’m not just talking about tithing. Tithing is wonderful, but it is automatic. You can even have automatic deductions taken out of your account every month by your favorite charitable organization. I’m talking about something beyond a tithe – extra money every month that is set aside for unexpected things – causes and needs that excite you. If you genuinely give, as Paul said, hilariously, then it must be that you don’t love money.